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Your practical certification exam should be a one hour class of any type. It must be a video of you teaching a 30 minute class. There must be one student being taught in the submitted class and both of you should be visible in video the entire 30 mins. Once submitted, the video takes about 1 week to evaluate. Use guidelines below to know how to prepare your video. A 60 is required to pass. You will be given feedback regardless if you pass or fail. If you fail the practical exam, you can use feedback to improve and you will be able to resubmit a new video after a one month period wait and there are no cost or limits on redoing the practical exam.
If you had application has been approved and fees paid and you are ready to submit your practical certification exam email us at
Out of | |
Does the teacher introduce her/himself, state what type/style of class/ask about issues, for consent, etc? | 10 |
Does the teacher walk around enough, use props, taking breaks for themselves while teaching, etc? | |
How was voice used? e.g. voice projection, pace of speech, tone of voice, etc | 10 |
How does the teacher use verbal cues? Is there a mix of verbal cues relating to physical alignment and “soft” cues such as reference to breath and feeling session in the body? | 10 |
What type of modifications and variations and safety cues are offered to the students throughout the class? | 10 |
How does the teacher connect with students? e.g. eye contact, moving around the room, speaking with individuals students, etc? | 10 |
How does the teacher make reference to the meditative aspect of yoga and yogic philosophy? | 10 |
Does the teacher use any physical adjustments? For what purpose? | 10 |
Is there an obvious theme to the class? If so, who is the theme woven into the sequence or verbal cues? | 10 |
Is the sequence appropriate for a beginner level class? | 10 |
What are the unique qualities of the teacher? | 10 |
100 (60 to teach) |