Apply & Registered For Free. Our Membership Fees Are The Lowest Of All The Alliances.
How do I get registered with you?
You can find detailed information, including step-by-step instructions, on our Designations heading on our website menu.
What are the requirements for registration?
Complete a certified yoga teacher training program that is certified with us or from one of the following approved yoga organizations: Yoga Alliance – Australia/Italy/UK/USA/New Zealand/Canada or you have similar training or experience via our grandfathered process.
There are no fees to upgrade a membership designation. Email your new additional certificates and we will upgrade you.
All fees are in Canadian dollars and all fees are non-refundable.
How do I renew my RYT/RYS registration and is there a penalty for renewing my registration late?
A month before your renewal date an invoice to renew will automatically be sent to you. If you fail to pay by your renewal date you have a 30 day grace period to pay, after that your profile will be removed from our online rosters.
What payments do we accept?
We accept e transfers and via Eventbrite Visa, American Express, and Mastercard.
What sort of complaints do we accept?
We accept complaints that contravene our Codes from any person who has received services of a RYT or RYS.
Does filing a complaint cost anything?
We don't charge a fee for filing a complaint. We takes complaints seriously and always addresses issues brought to light. We provide due process and transparency and all matters and evidence are shared with all who are apart of a complaint.
When should you contact us regarding a complaint?
Aside to contacting other agencies, feel free to contact us whenever you like concerning a complaint.
Should I contact other after filing a complaint?
We recommends that you seek the assistance of local law enforcement, legal counsel, healthcare professional, if you feel its warranted.