These Standards are requirements to become a Experienced Registered Yoga Therapy Teacher (ERYTT) at the 300 hour level.

 Training Requirements

  1. Completed a  300-hour yoga therapy training program that is registered with Yoga Alliance International.


  1. Completed a 300-hour yoga therapy training program online or in person from one of the following approved yoga organizations:
  • Yoga Alliance Australia - Australia
  • Yoga Alliance Italia - Italy
  • Yoga Alliance Professionals - UK
  • Yoga Alliance - USA
  • Yoga Alliance New Zealand - New Zealand
  • Canadian Yoga Alliance - Canada
  • International Yoga Federation


  1. You have similar training or experience via our grandfathered process.

Teaching Requirements

  • 2000 hours of teaching and two years have past since receiving your certificate or are certified via our grandfathering process.

How to Maintain Your Registration

  1. Abide by our Code of Conduct
  2. Complete your Continuing Education Requirement every two years
  3. Pay your annual renewal fees

How To Apply

*Fill out an application for free

*Submit required certificates

*Pay fees

*Receive registration material and info