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The Code applies to all members:
1. General
1.1 The Code of Ethics is not exhaustive. Failure to address any particular conduct does not mean that the conduct is necessarily ethical or unethical.
1.2 Lack of familiarity with or misinterpretation of this Code or polices of the YA does not justify unethical conduct.
1.3 Failure to cooperate in a complaint investigation or proceeding is a violation of the Code.
1.4 The Code is intended to assist teachers and student teachers, and does not create any liability on the part of the YA.
2. Responsibility
Yoga teachers, student teachers and yoga schools should:
2.1 (Satya: truth) Be truthful.
2.2 (Ahimsa: non-violence) Welcome all students with friendliness, warmth and compassion, regardless of race, gender, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, age or disability. Treat all students with respect.
2.3 (Ahimsa: non-violence and Brahmacharya: continence) Not harass students (sexually or otherwise).
2.4 (Ahimsa; non-violence and Aparigraha: non-coveting) Avoid intimate relations with their students.
2.5 (Brahmacharya: continence) Recognize when the student-teacher relationship has been compromised by the existence of an intimate relationship, and in such circumstances, assist the student in finding another Iyengar yoga teacher if possible.
2.6 (Ahimsa: non-violence and Bramacharya: continence) Understand and apply appropriate methods of touch in assisting students.
2.7 (Aparigraha: non-coveting) Maintain the role of guide and inspire trust by example.
3. Personal Responsibility
Teachers should:
3.1 (Sauca: purity) Maintain a clean and well-groomed appearance
3.2 (Sauca: purity) Dress in a modest manner while teaching yoga.
3.3 (Sauca: purity) Avoid misuse of substances such as drugs and alcohol.
3.4 (Sauca: purity) Be mindful of speech.
3.5 (Tapas-Svadhyaya: study of self) Maintain a regular personal practice.